「我懷疑你是要偷渡!」 是陳界仁被AIT簽証面試官羞辱後所發想的創作計畫。http://ccjonstrike.blogspot.com/
September 30, 2008
September 24, 2008
......擺在學術領域來說,這樣的自我表白,毋寧地是對著韋伯所說之學術做為志業的說法的一種另類詮釋,也是一種另類的對話。在我所理解的架構裡,學術做為志業的說法,乃是企圖讓大學教授對其生涯的期待走出無奈而流俗地向體制無條件屈服之「職業」角色所設定的慣性,而有著更深厚根植之文化性的自我期許與肯定。按照韋伯的意思,這是一種倫理性的說法,有著恢宏的心志意圖與心理期待的,然而,卻剔透出一種謙虛的態度,因為他並不強調大學教授一向自許之作為知識分子的強烈「使命感」,甚至對它還是質疑著。依我個人的見解,以去除「使命感」、或謂以對「使命感」質疑的態度來確立學術倫理觀,基本上是強調具自我反思與自我節制的戒慎修養態度,是一種美學的轉折表現,於是乎,倫理與美學產生了交集。在今天這樣一個如 MacIntyre在其著《德行之後》中所意圖指出的倫理被個體化的時代裡,這樣的交集無疑地有著更為特殊的意義。對我個人而言,三十年來,這樣企圖在倫理與美學之間謀求某種的統一,更是一再實驗、也是嘗試證成的生命目標。
......擺在學術領域來說,這樣的自我表白,毋寧地是對著韋伯所說之學術做為志業的說法的一種另類詮釋,也是一種另類的對話。在我所理解的架構裡,學術做為志業的說法,乃是企圖讓大學教授對其生涯的期待走出無奈而流俗地向體制無條件屈服之「職業」角色所設定的慣性,而有著更深厚根植之文化性的自我期許與肯定。按照韋伯的意思,這是一種倫理性的說法,有著恢宏的心志意圖與心理期待的,然而,卻剔透出一種謙虛的態度,因為他並不強調大學教授一向自許之作為知識分子的強烈「使命感」,甚至對它還是質疑著。依我個人的見解,以去除「使命感」、或謂以對「使命感」質疑的態度來確立學術倫理觀,基本上是強調具自我反思與自我節制的戒慎修養態度,是一種美學的轉折表現,於是乎,倫理與美學產生了交集。在今天這樣一個如 MacIntyre在其著《德行之後》中所意圖指出的倫理被個體化的時代裡,這樣的交集無疑地有著更為特殊的意義。對我個人而言,三十年來,這樣企圖在倫理與美學之間謀求某種的統一,更是一再實驗、也是嘗試證成的生命目標。
September 17, 2008
September 9, 2008
Keep record: On Sarah Palin
So looking forward to this discussion.
Hockey Mom or Sarah Barracuda? Addressing the Media Coverage of Sarah Palin
In light of the overwhelming surge of discourse following John McCain's selection of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate, the editors of FlowTV invite submissions dealing with the media treatment, reaction, and handling
of Gov. Palin as a politician, a woman, a "Hockey Mom," a wife, an Alaskan, and a Conservative. We hope the following quotes serve as a jumping off point - what we view as some of the most poignant examples of the recent media treatment - but we encourage submissions to look to viral video, spoofs, celebrations, editorials, Facebook status updates, blog entries, and myriad other sources of coverage.
Submissions should be between 1000-1500 words. Because of the topicality of the particular subject, we welcome submissions as soon as possible, and no later thanSeptember 30th. While we seek neither diary entries nor diatribes, submissions need not be overly formal or academic, and we encourage the incorporation of images and video. Additionally, we encourage alternative perspectives from students,
non-Americans, bloggers, etc.
Please send submissions and inquiries to Anne Petersen
Co-Coordinating Editor
For more info, seehttp://flowtv.org/?p=1711.
Hockey Mom or Sarah Barracuda? Addressing the Media Coverage of Sarah Palin
In light of the overwhelming surge of discourse following John McCain's selection of Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as his vice-presidential running mate, the editors of FlowTV invite submissions dealing with the media treatment, reaction, and handling
of Gov. Palin as a politician, a woman, a "Hockey Mom," a wife, an Alaskan, and a Conservative. We hope the following quotes serve as a jumping off point - what we view as some of the most poignant examples of the recent media treatment - but we encourage submissions to look to viral video, spoofs, celebrations, editorials, Facebook status updates, blog entries, and myriad other sources of coverage.
Submissions should be between 1000-1500 words. Because of the topicality of the particular subject, we welcome submissions as soon as possible, and no later thanSeptember 30th. While we seek neither diary entries nor diatribes, submissions need not be overly formal or academic, and we encourage the incorporation of images and video. Additionally, we encourage alternative perspectives from students,
non-Americans, bloggers, etc.
Please send submissions and inquiries to Anne Petersen
Co-Coordinating Editor
For more info, see
keep record
Sounds like a very interesting conference, esp two panels which specifically deal with post colonial issues as expressed by artists.
In recent times some scholars have proclaimed that postcolonial theory has exhausted its critical energies- at the very time that it has been taken up by scholars and activists not located in English or Literature departments, the area where postcolonial theory made its early impact and sometimes found an institutional home. The Centre for Postcolonial Studies at Goldsmiths is organising a conference on the “Afterlives of Postcolonialism”- the ‘after’ referring both to its life/lives after the proclamation of its death, and also to its life after/outside the study of literature. In what ways can/has postcolonial theory been taken up by artists, architects and scholars of art and architecture, by those who study politics, anthropology and sociology, and area studies, and to what effects? Does it merely provide another way of ‘reading’ texts, to does it have the potential to destabilize and reconfigure practices and disciplines? And what happens to postcolonial theory when it moves into politics, art, sociology, and area studies; what mutations does it undergo, or need to undergo? Drawing upon speakers from a range of geographical (India, the U.S., South Africa, Palestine, the U.K.) and disciplinary locations (everything from architecture to art, film, music, politics…), involving practitioners as well as theorists, this conference asks whether postcolonial theory still has any life in it- and what sorts of lives it is leading once it travels outside of literature.
In recent times some scholars have proclaimed that postcolonial theory has exhausted its critical energies- at the very time that it has been taken up by scholars and activists not located in English or Literature departments, the area where postcolonial theory made its early impact and sometimes found an institutional home. The Centre for Postcolonial Studies at Goldsmiths is organising a conference on the “Afterlives of Postcolonialism”- the ‘after’ referring both to its life/lives after the proclamation of its death, and also to its life after/outside the study of literature. In what ways can/has postcolonial theory been taken up by artists, architects and scholars of art and architecture, by those who study politics, anthropology and sociology, and area studies, and to what effects? Does it merely provide another way of ‘reading’ texts, to does it have the potential to destabilize and reconfigure practices and disciplines? And what happens to postcolonial theory when it moves into politics, art, sociology, and area studies; what mutations does it undergo, or need to undergo? Drawing upon speakers from a range of geographical (India, the U.S., South Africa, Palestine, the U.K.) and disciplinary locations (everything from architecture to art, film, music, politics…), involving practitioners as well as theorists, this conference asks whether postcolonial theory still has any life in it- and what sorts of lives it is leading once it travels outside of literature.
September 7, 2008
{花與女孩}攝影展 les fleurs, les filles
8/31 – 9/18 法雅客信義店(新光三越A9館B2)
9/6 – 9/15 法雅客台中店(新光三越9F)
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